BLUE Missions

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A Call to Global Citizenship

I was recently invited to attend the Salzburg Global Seminar organized by the Global Citizenship Alliance in Salzburg, Austria. While I was there, I had the honor of learning from highly respected experts in many fields. Speakers for the conference flew from Sweden, Canada, and Germany to be in attendance, and thanks to them, I truly grasp the phenomenon of globalization.

The focus of the seminar was to teach young individuals like myself what it means to be a “global citizen.” What is this term and what does it mean? A global citizen is someone who is not only concerned with the issues in their hometown or native country, but is also open to discussing issues all over the world. This really forced me to evaluate the decisions I make in my everyday life. It got me thinking, “Am I really living a fulfilling and meaningful life?” People go about their lives always wondering if they are fulfilling their life mission. The joy that this organization brings me, knowing that I can give others access to such a basic necessity that so many take for granted, is life changing.

This week long seminar focused on issues such as sustainability and the first thing that came my mind was my work with BLUE Missions. I have devoted my time and efforts to helping out this amazing organization which demonstrates exactly what global citizenship is. BLUE, an acronym for Building Love Uniting Everyone, does an amazing job of incorporating this idea. BLUE Missions is selfless, passionate, motivating, and inspiring just like a global citizen should be. The work this organization has accomplished has impacted my life in many different ways, leading me to appreciate many of the little things in life. My involvement with them is the main reason why I applied for that seminar.

When I think about my work with BLUE, I think the best description is that there is an unexplainable and overwhelming feeling of happiness that comes with dedicating time and effort to helping those in need. There is something about BLUE Missions that makes me feel at peace and at home. I am extremely motivated and devoted to helping organizations live out what it means to be a global citizen and empower those in our community to make a difference in our world.