Trust the Light

We, as human beings, are needy. Many times, we begin to ask God to change that which is out of our control. We ask God for an A on the math test we're about to take. We ask God for a fun weekend. We ask God to help our favorite teams win a game. But why is it that we rarely tell God that we're putting our trust in Him? Why do we fail to ask God to let us be subjects to His plans for us?

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Gabriel Figueredo Comment
New Program REACHes For a Better World

Have you been on a BLUE trip and returned home with the insatiable need to do more?? Do you feel that your "Let's Change the World!" spark has been ignited and you're just desperately searching for meaningful service work to shine your newly found light upon? ...

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Leslie RamosComment
Make Time to Take in the Time

Time, something indefinite that we worry too much about. Whether it is worrying about the past, present or future; we tend to over think moments and try to plan ahead and forget to “live in the moment”, something that BLUE tries to demonstrate.

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Andrea AlespeitiComment
Find X

In 2015, as I tiredly made my way to my half point of high school, a friend showed me this prompt which a school she was applying to had uploaded for an essay. I had kept this prompt in the back of my mind and had found myself occasionally wondering off into deep thoughts as to what X was. That very summer my X was found. Luckily, no mathematical calculations were needed to find it given that math has never been my strong suit. My X was found in the middle of a mountain in the Dominican Republic in a small town or as they call it "campo". The summer of my sophomore year I traveled on my first BLUE Missions trip, where I aided in building latrines and delivering sanitation to the underprivileged families of the Dominican Republic.

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Karolina Cabrera Comments
Getting Fruity in the Campo

Mountaineering the slippery highlands and precariously descending muddy slopes while carrying PVC pipes is no walk in the campo. Water-building is a laborious task – digging trenches, laying down pipes, mixing and lugging buckets of cement from eight in the morning until the afternoon can take a serious toll on ones energy and strength. Combined with the tropical climate and sometimes-unpredictable weather, (oh helloooo, random tropical storm – where did you come from?) it can be easy to lose the motivation, energy and positive attitude necessary to complete the task at hand. 

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Ailys ToledoComment
A Call to Global Citizenship

I was recently invited to attend the Salzburg Global Seminar organized by the Global Citizenship Alliance in Salzburg, Austria. While I was there, I had the honor of learning from highly respected experts in many fields. Speakers for the conference flew from Sweden, Canada, and Germany to be in attendance, and thanks to them, I truly grasp the phenomenon of globalization.

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Alexa JaureguiComment
7 Reasons Why You DON'T Want to Miss the 2016 BLUE Cocktail

The proceeds raised from our annual BLUE Cocktail is the main source of funds for the construction of our water and sanitation projects. In 2016 we have taken on our most ambitious amount of projects yet. No less than 22 communities will be transformed by the effects of having water faucets and sanitary latrines in their homes. However, these projects cannot be undertaken without the support of our sponsors, trip participants, friends, and all of our extended BLUE family. 

If that isn't reason enough for you, below are 7 reasons why you can't afford to do anything BUT come to the 2016 BLUE Cocktail.

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Leslie RamosComment
What's Your Happiness?

Would you pack your bags and go? Maybe… maybe not… Sometimes in life we need that little push from either someone or something. My push was my sister, Daniella. She wanted me to go back on another trip for quite some time, but I just never got around to it. I finally went back on a service trip after 4 years and re-experienced what I had forgotten and more.

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